Our Parents Deserve Style and Independence...
After 50 years of working hard for the family, I realize my parents are actually going to get OLD one day. This is a scary thought for many of us, and one that brings concern as our roles slowly go in reverse.
Of course all seniors age differently and not all of us are lucky enough to be able to stay at home until the end. But if it makes sense for your family it's a win-win-win situation. Happy parents, no expensive nursing home costs and small home renovations increase the value in their current home.
Modifications to the home are endless and can make staying at home comfortable and safe. Usually the bathroom is the first concern as it poses the highest risk for slips and falls. As well, the bathroom is key to our independence.
Safety Can Be Stylish...
Just because the bathroom needs a few safety features, doesn't mean it has to look like a hospital lavatory. More and more manufacturers are building their Safety Lines with modern accents and fixtures.